Central America & Caribbean

Prefinex is a leader in providing merger and acquisition (M&A) advisory services to small, medium, and large clients. We have always been characterized by developing creative ideas and solutions that help add value to our clients by identifying opportunities and executing transactions, from their inception to the signing of the final contracts, acting on both the seller’s and buyer’s side.

Buyer Representation

Successful acquisitions require a careful analysis of corporate strategy, a thorough understanding of the potential synergy between the target company and the acquiring company, creativity in transaction structuring, financial engineering, and an appropriate bid strategy.

During the acquisition process, Prefinex works alongside management and the Board, providing the following services: identification and contact with target companies, valuation, synergy analysis, bid strategy, financing search, transaction structuring, financial engineering, negotiation, due diligence, and negotiation of the final agreement.

Seller Representation

A successful selling process requires a fundamental understanding of the client’s objectives, timing, marketing, and negotiation strategy.

We have extensive experience in these areas with an excellent track record in maximizing shareholder value. As the coordinator of a multidisciplinary team in the selling process, Prefinex provides the following services: identification of buyers, valuation, preparation of the information memorandum, marketing strategy, transaction structuring, financial engineering, negotiation, due diligence, and negotiation of the final agreement.


Prefinex has extensive experience in company valuation and has been involved in over a hundred valuations since its inception. Valuation is a key service provided by Prefinex during any advisory work, and we are often engaged by the Board or specific shareholder groups to analyze the value of their company

Prefinex utiliza la metodología de descuento de flujos de fondos y el análisis de compañías públicas comparables a la hora de realizar valuaciones, complementados por estudios de mercado y análisis de transacciones comparables.

“Es un trabajo muy riguroso que exige de un conocimiento detallado de la compañía, del mercado en el que está inserta y del dominio cabal de las distintas técnicas de valuación. Prefinex tiene una vasta experiencia en este tema”.
Martín Azcárate

Prefinex realiza valuaciones para casos específicos que requieren un riguroso análisis y la utilización de diversas metodologías de valuación, dando como resultado un valor razonable y justificado, posibilitando la solución de conflictos y la toma de decisiones acertadas.

The Argentine economy is characterized by its significant volatility. Recessionary cycles, as well as restricted access to credit, have impacted the economic and financial situation of many companies.

In this context, at Prefinex, we have advised various clients in the process of restructuring their financial obligations. This service requires comprehensive knowledge of the current and future circumstances of the company, allowing for the projection of operational cash flow and necessary investments. This, in turn, helps realistically estimate the company’s ability to cover its liabilities without compromising its growth potential and propose plans that are acceptable to creditors.

Prefinex actively collaborates in the execution of the outlined plan, assisting in its successful achievement.

A Joint Venture is a contract in which two or more parties contribute various assets, which do not entail the loss of their identity or legal personality as individuals or companies, for the purpose of conducting a common business.

From the creation of goods to the provision of services, this contract will be in effect for a limited period of time with the aim of generating economic benefits. The parties will contribute various resources such as raw materials, capital, technology, market knowledge, sales and distribution channels, personnel, financing, or products.

Partners in a Joint Venture typically continue to operate their businesses or companies independently alongside the new common entity or Joint Venture. This is one of the primary reasons why this type of partnership has been successful compared to mergers or acquisitions in recent years. If the outcome of the Joint Venture is favorable, the possibility of merging the companies can be evaluated later.

Prefinex has provided advisory services for a number of such agreements, achieving successful outcomes throughout its history.

Prefinex consistently presents investment opportunities to interested investors in companies with high growth potential or notably undervalued or underutilized assets. Regular contact allows for quick decision-making and the right timing to seize these opportunities.

The investment horizon is medium to long term, aiming for maximum profitability through restructuring to address identified corporate deficiencies and harnessing the company’s growth potential to realize it at the exit point, typically within 3 to 5 years.

Once Prefinex receives expressions of interest, it forms the investor group (often participating as well) and leads the necessary steps for acquisition, including valuation, negotiation, offering, due diligence, negotiation of final contract terms, and transaction closure. Subsequently, Prefinex monitors the acquired company and keeps investors updated with monthly and semi-annual reports on the company’s progress.

This investment approach allows for flexibility and speed in decision-making while enabling investors to seize opportunities and closely follow the company’s progress through Prefinex’s monitoring. This way, the group can identify the right moment for a sale or any other strategic operation decided upon.

Following globalization trends, there has been a significant increase in the activities of local companies in Argentina with other countries, and vice versa. Foreign companies, in search of growth opportunities, started acquiring domestic companies, while local companies began expanding into other markets.

We have acted as financial advisors to both buyers and sellers in numerous transactions involving Argentine and foreign companies in Peru, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, England, Switzerland, France, and the United States.

“This is a very important step for Prefinex. It has allowed us to enrich ourselves with experiences from other countries, understand more sophisticated working methods, and draw inspiration from them to provide better services.”

Martín Azcárate

Our services also include the structuring and execution of customized financing solutions for companies, either through private investors (equity investors, debt issuance) or the capital market.

The spectrum of tasks to be performed encompasses:

  1. Advisory in all aspects of public and private debt and equity offerings, along with support throughout the execution process.
  2. Identification of potential capital structure strategies and solutions.
  3. Assessing optimal capitalization and sources of incremental capital.
  4. Preparation of materials for investors.
  5. Communication with investors worldwide.

Our services also encompass the structuring and execution of customized financing solutions for companies, whether through private investors (equity investors, debt issuance) or the capital market.

The spectrum of tasks to be performed includes:

  1. Advisory services in all aspects of public and private debt and equity offerings, along with support throughout the execution process.
  2. Identification of potential capital structure strategies and solutions.
  3. Evaluating optimal capitalization and sources of incremental capital.
  4. Preparation of materials for investors.
  5. Communication with investors worldwide.

Argentina & Mercosur

Prefinex offers all investment banking services in Argentina through our partner FENIX.

Furthermore, starting in 2022, we have expanded our vision by venturing into the world of real estate. This evolution reflects Prefinex’s ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing business environment, supported by our solid foundation of over three decades of experience and commitment to financial excellence.

Argentina & Caribe

Furthermore, starting in 2022, we have expanded our vision by venturing into the world of real estate. This evolution reflects Prefinex’s ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing business environment, supported by our solid foundation of over three decades of experience and commitment to financial excellence.